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Marsha Petrie Sue
Jul 15, 20211 min read
Cool News and Revamping!
Wow – 2021. And here we are half way through! Personally, there were times last year when I had to reach deep into my soul and find...

Marsha Petrie Sue
Apr 15, 20213 min read
Stop Wasting Time in Meetings
Have you ever been in a meeting and minutes into it you question why you are even there? Robert Half Management Resources determined that...

Marsha Petrie Sue
Jan 7, 20212 min read
Hindsight is 2020: How to Improve 2021 Outcomes
Webster’s Dictionary: Hindsight is the ability to understand and realize something about an event after it has happened, although you did...

Marsha Petrie Sue
Nov 23, 20202 min read
Champions of Change
Ralph Waldo Emerson used to greet old friends whom he hadn't seen in a while with the following statement: "What has become clear to you...

Marsha Petrie Sue
Jul 22, 20202 min read
Emotional Hijacking: How the Emotional Brain Supersedes Reality
Anger. Rage. Fury. Wrath. Many people are angry with what is going on in the world. It doesn’t matter what side you are on, letting a...

Marsha Petrie Sue
Jun 8, 20202 min read
Jobless: 8 Ideas for Your Next Step
Economic downturn, pandemic, and other factors have left many people jobless. It doesn’t matter if you were laid off, furloughed,...

Marsha Petrie Sue
May 20, 20202 min read
Virtual Negativity: How the new work setting can create poor outcomes
In today’s virtual business environment, the focus must be on leveraging strengths while minimizing weaknesses. Poor attitudes and...

Marsha Petrie Sue
Apr 12, 20203 min read
Staying Up in Down Times
Times are tough. The economy is down and unemployment is up. Trusting others is down, blaming is up. Optimistic outlooks are down and...

Marsha Petrie Sue
Mar 23, 20201 min read
Boredom Busters: Time is on your side – if you let it
Staying at home? Bored? Why? We wake up every day with a plan. Here is what we have accomplished and found in the last week or so:...

Marsha Petrie Sue
Mar 19, 20204 min read
4 Tips to Keep Remote Employees Motivated and Engaged
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, business is experiencing even more of a need to offer this work to their employees. What are you doing...
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