Ball Cap Moments
Quick Video Tips From Marsha
BALL CAP MOMENT #1: You always have 3 choices: TLC - Take it, Leave it, Change it
BALL CAP MOMENT #3: Learn to be flexible and deal with different personalities.
BALL CAP MOMENT #5: Emotional Terrorism. Do you ever talk negatively to yourself over and over?
BALL CAP MOMENT #7: If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain
BALL CAP MOMENT #2: Be the CEO of Your Life
BALL CAP MOMENT #4: Have you ever said yes when you should have said no?
BALL CAP MOMENT #6: Moving through Change - Going from where you are to where you need to be.
BALL CAP MOMENT #8: Get off the crazy train and stop trying to control anything that’s out of your control!
BALL CAP MOMENT #9: In my opinion, respect for others and respect for ourselves is the centerfold in reducing stress. Especially around the holidays.
BALL CAP MOMENT #10: What is your measure of mental freedom? I hope you enjoy this Ball Cap moment
BALL CAP MOMENT #11: Self-reliance and discipline. Two characteristics that I’ve had to work on my entire life. Not easy at all. Help yourself and help others focus on these.
BALL CAP MOMENT #12: A ball cap moment without the ball cap. Take the time to get out and do something good.
BALL CAP MOMENT #13: The word “Joy“ is my word that I’m thinking about today. Please join me in spreading more of it!
BALL CAP MOMENT #14: Boy have we undertaken a huge project. But it reminded me of how we think and how we manage negativity. Please enjoy
BALL CAP MOMENT #15: How do you deal with change? I am choosing not to be a victim of change and it is a challenge. How about you?
BALL CAP MOMENT #17: My history of the Browns Lake, Wisconsin lake home goes back to 1949. I was three. The bench I am sitting on is the spot where my Dad taught me many life lessons-including how to fish. Enjoy this Ball Cap moment. And thank you Leo Gale for keeping this treasure in the family
BALL CAP MOMENT #16: How do you choose to live your life?
BALL CAP MOMENT #18: Welcome to another Ballcap moment. Enjoy the message and also the squirrel running around behind me. Yes I’m in Arizona, and yes I have on a sweater. That’s what 8000 feet in the Alpine, white mountains, does to the temperature!
BALL CAP MOMENT #19: Quiet quitting: Don’t fall into this rut. Great article in the Wall Street Journal about this topic. I hope you enjoy this ball cap moment
BALL CAP MOMENT #20: Coming to you from Browns Lake Wisconsin. Enjoy this ball cap moment and I hope it encourages everyone to slip in a little bit more variety in your life!
BALL CAP MOMENT #21: Be a vanguard in all parts of your life.
BALL CAP MOMENT #22: Stepping out of your comfort zone. That is what I am doing today.
BALL CAP MOMENT #23: Goal setting... These three steps have worked for me for a very long time in achieving the success I have today. It takes personal responsibility, your personal responsibility, to achieve in life that you want. Enjoy and happy new year
BALL CAP MOMENT #24: Listen - Listening is something we all need to practice every single day.
BALL CAP MOMENT #25: Daniel Goleman, the father of emotional intelligence, says a smile is the quickest way to draw another human being in and I agree, so smile more.
BALL CAP MOMENT #26: Do you let people rent space in your head? Evict them. "Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions."
BALL CAP MOMENT #27: Stressed out? I hope these few tips help you destress. I’ve had to train myself to reduce my stress. No one else is going to do it for me.
BALL CAP MOMENT #28: Challenge yourself to do something you’ve never done before. I’m doing that today. Teaching yoga simple stretch yoga. Never done it but here we go.
BALL CAP MOMENT #29: When was the last time you took time to relax? I mean, TRULY relax. And, remember to be grateful for our Freedom. Happy Memorial Day.
BALL CAP MOMENT #30: If you want a different tomorrow, you need to change what you do today. Pretty simple but not easy! Thank you for watching this Ball Cap moment
BALL CAP MOMENT #31: Every once in a while, I have to remind myself on how to handle conflict. I hope you find this ball cap moment to be a good reminder. Thanks for watching.
BALL CAP MOMENT #32: A non-Ball Cap - Ball Cap Moment. Do something special today for yourself or someone else. Take care and let me know what you think.
BALL CAP MOMENT #33: When you’re making decisions is it sometimes hard to trust your own thinking? Listen up on why I think it’s important to “carry two compasses”.